Rodney’s Rock

Rodney’s Rock

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  5. Rodney’s Rock
Jimmit, Mahaut

Rodney’s Rock is an outcrop just north of Jimmit.

It is a rocky beach with few amenities but there is a gas station and grocery store near by as well as as couple bars.

Here you will find some impressive snorkeling and diving – it is a shallow (maximum 50 feet) dive offering one of the best critter dives. This site is a favourite for night dives when squid, lobsters and crabs are out in full view.

Find out more about Diving along Dominica’s west coast here.

Useful Information
Hiking Difficulty:
  • Stroll

15.38060360842678, -61.41137446752015

Site Details:
  • Calm Waters
  • Rocky Beach
  • Public Convenience
  • Vehicular access
  • Path to beach
  • Snorkeling
  • Swimming
Fun Facts
Did you know?:

There is a legend about this rock about the French who occupied Dominica at the time and trick they played on the British. They lit the rock with lights so in the dark it appear as a ship anchored off shore. The British fired on the rock throughout the night only to realized the next morning how they were duped.
