Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 08

Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 08

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  5. Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 08
First Camp, Begin Segment 08
Colihaut Heights, Saint Joseph Parish, End Segment 08

First Camp to Petite Macoucherie

wnt-08WNT Segment 8 continues your trek through Dominica’s rugged interior, revealing her natural beauty at every crest of a ridge, every dip into a valley.

Dominica’s parrots, the Sisserou and the Jaco, entertain you as you hike through their territory.

This section of the trail takes you from the East side of Dominica, right across to the West coast, where it reaches Petite Macoucherie on the Cuba Road.

Note that the end of this Segment lies in the heart of the mountains, unless camping one must continue on to Segment 7 or turn around. There is a Waitukubuli National Trail Cabin  – for more information contact WNT Management Unit Tel: 1 767 266 3596

Useful Information

First Camp which is accessed from Segment 7 or via Colihaut Heights. Look for the Blue and yellow markers

Site User Fees: Yes
Time Commitment (2):

Segment 8 is 6 hours, but add Segment 7 itself this will bring hike time to about 12 hours

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 792, Roseau


+1 767 266 3593,
+1 767 440 6125

Fun Facts
Look out for:


Forest Type:

Rainforest, Montane Forest, Dry scrub Woodland