Wednesday night Stardom crowned Checker as their King of the Tent. On Thursday, Showdown Mas Camp named three Champs of the Camp: Soul Puss, Peter Prosper and Yakima. Checker and Soul Puss are both in Dominica’s 2010 Calypso Monarch Finals which will be held on...
Yes, you heard right. Joey Stevens, the famous ‘man with the parrot’ on See TV’s One Caribbean Weather is here in Dominica. He’ll be joining us for Carnival celebrations next week. So keep a sharp eye out… who knows where he and his...
Saturday night Newtown Savanne hosted the Semi-Finals of Dominica’s 2010 Calypso Monarch Competition. A field of twenty artists battled their way through this tough round. Only nine were selected to continue on to the Grand Finals to take on the current...
From Saturday’s Opening Parade in Roseau, Dominica’s 2010 Carnvial celebrations have begun! This parade was a showcase of what’s to come in the ‘Real Mas 2010’ which will be celebrated on February 15 & 16th in Dominica this year. For...