Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 04

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Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 04

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  5. Waitukubuli National Trail: Segment 04
Begin Segment 4, Wotten Waven
960 ft
Junction, Laudat
1780 ft
End Segment 4, Pont Casse
1880 ft

wnt-4Wotten Waven to Pont Casse

Segment 4 of the National trail takes you from the Hot Spring Capital of Dominica (Wotten Waven) into the raw beauty and rugged landscape of Dominica's interior.

You will travel through the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

WNT Segment 4 ends at the centre of the island in area called Pont Casse ('Broken Bridge' in Creole).

Useful Information

Wotten Waven - look for blue and yellow markers

Time Commitment (2):

6 hours

Journey Distance:

11.7 km / 7.3 miles
