Dominica’s Bee Keepers Stakeholders Conference took place at the Prevo Cinemall in Roseau, Dominica on 24th July 2018.
The turnout was tremendous: the room was filled with professional Bee Keepers, hobbyists and honey-lovers who came to hear the state of the Bee Keeping industry in Dominica. A diverse group of Presenters (see below) painted a very positive picture.
Some highlights of the lively discussions and presentations:
- There is tremendous demand for honey in the local market.
- Honey extracted in Dominica is of high quality.
- There are many ready-made markets, just waiting for our honey to be ready for export (Europe, French West Indies, Cuba).
- Financing is available from the AID Bank for small businesses at a very low interest rate — and special loans are available for Women and Youth (18-35) who are starting a business. From the AID Bank’s perspective, Bee Keeping is a viable industry – so get involved and start up a Bee Keeping business!
Areas to focus on in the Bee Keeping industry moving forward:
- Making the Bee Keepers Cooperative Society strong – all Bee Keepers are encouraged to join.
- Dominica’s honey needs to be properly branded and marketed.
- The Bureau of Standards can help educate Bee Keepers about proper labeling and other procedures for making honey export-ready.
- We need to look at the use of pesticides and its effect on our bees.
- Keep our bees safe – the Ministry of Agriculture prohibits importing bees.
- Begin a Queen-Rearing drive to increase the number of hives in Dominica.
Presentations included the following: the Bee Keepers Cooperative (Past President Lennox Fagan), Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, Family and Gender Affairs: Registrar of Cooperatives Division (Ms Mariet Canoville), Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries (Permanent Secretary Dr. Reginald Thomas), Ministry of Commerce, Enterprise & Small Business Development (Permanent Secretary Mrs. Esther Thomas), Division of Trade (Mr Walter), NDFD (Mr Joseph), AID Bank (Ms Josephine Titre), and Invest Dominica (Mr Monelle).
Take a look at some of the displays at the conference:
Interesting Facts about Honey
Honey is healthy!
It has many medicinal properties such as being an antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant.
It can be used to make body care products such as Blissful Bee Multi-purpose Balm (pictured at right). This is one of the products currently being made right here in Dominica.

Blissful Bee Multi-purpose Balm
We look forward to bringing you more information about Bees, Honey and Bee Keeping in Dominica.
In the meantime, grab a good book to learn more about Dominica!
Learn to Speak Kwéyòl!
Kwéyòl Donmnik: Dominican Kwéyòl for Beginners by Sylvia Henderson Mitchell
Buy on Amazon.com
Great web site. Would like to come and visit a bee keepers farm the next time I am there. Thank you
Do you have a chicken raising organization? Please let me know.
Thank yoy
Hi Lettie, I am not aware of a group specifically for raising chicken.