Travel Essentials & Tips

Tips and facts to help make your trip to and around Dominica all the better

Dominica is a destination like no other – there is much to experience here. But as with traveling to any location, it is best to gather all the information you can before arrival. Check out our Packing Checklist and other great tips here.

Preparing for Your Trip to Dominica

Entry Requirements

A valid passport is sufficient for a stay of up to one month. You may renew your stay for a further 3 months but you will need to show a return ticket. Visas are required for stays of over 21 days for travellers from Cuba, Haiti, Russia, The People’s Republic of China and the Eastern European Countries. Please note that from January 23, 2007, US citizens will need a passport to re-enter the US.

What documents do you need to enter?

  • Valid Passport
  • Return Ticket
  • Local address where you will be staying
  • Visa information visit here

Plan on bringing pets? For more information call the Ministry of Agriculture on (767) 266-3271 or 266-3270.

How long can I stay? This all depends on your country of origin. For more information visit the Government website here

Departure Taxes are as follows (updated May 2019):

Dominica Residents / CARICOM nationals:EC$72.00 / US$26.00

Non-nationals / non-CARICOM Residents (e.g. US citizens): EC$86.00 / US$31.00

For more information visit the Government website.


The local currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$ or XCD). Also used by Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, St. Lucia, St, Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada.

  • The rate is set at EC$2.68 to US$1.00 and
  • about EC$2.93 to EUR 1.

Many businesses accept US Dollars and the EURO, but you will get the most favourable exchange rate at the banks. Major Credit Cards are accepted in many places.

For information regarding the EC dollar and exchange rates, visit ECCD Central Bank here.

Packing Tips

So knowing what to bring on your vacation can sometimes be a challenge. We’ve put a Travel and Packing List together to help you decide.



What NOT to pack

By all means bring whatever you choose, but there are a number of locally made beauty & health products and clothes, which means more room in your suitcase for all the goodies you’ll be bringing on your journey back.

We encourage all visitors to buy local. This helps to reduce their footprint, and dealing with the disposal of products being brought into the island.

For more information about locally available products – go here

Phone Calling Codes

The calling code for Dominica is 767

Calls to Dominica

If calling from the Caribbean, USA: 1 + 767 + seven digit number.

If calling from Europe, China etc:  00 + 1 + 767 + seven digit number.

With WiFi and Internet so available many people use Skype, Magic Jack and What’s App as a means of communication

Jump to:

What time is it in...
  • Dominica
  • New York
  • Paris
  • Hong Kong
EC Currency Profile, Image taken from the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank website.

Upon Arrival in Dominica

Business & Working Hours

This applies to most businesses though there are exceptions. Most close on public holidays.

  • Monday – Friday: 8 am to 4 pm
  • Saturday: 8 am to 1 pm
  • Sunday: Closed

Some businesses close for lunch between 1 – 2 pm.


This applies to all government departments. They are closed on weekends and all public holidays.

  • Monday: 8 am to 5 pm
  • Tuesday – Friday: 8 am to 4 pm

Some offices are closed for lunch between 1 – 2 pm.

Note that a government department, or section of a government office, dealing with financial transactions of any sort closes an hour before the end of the day. Monday at 4 pm and Tuesday – Friday at 3 pm.

Banking Hours

  • Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 2 pm
  • Friday: 8 am – 4 pm

Gas Stations

Most gas stations stay open till either 7 or 9 pm.

Gas stations associated with a 7 – 11 mini mart usually stay open till 11 pm.

Supermarkets & Minimarts

This applies to most grocers, some smaller village shops will have more varied and sometimes irregular hours.

  • Open everyday till about 7 pm
  • Some Mini marts like Miniya’s, and ACS are open everyday, some till 11 pm and on all public holidays.

Public Holidays

There are 12 public holidays in Dominica.
The local tradition is to head to the beach or river for large gatherings, picnics and BBQ’s. On some holidays, like National Community Day of Service, volunteers are encouraged to work to improve an area or community. Christmas and Easter tend to be very family-oriented holidays spent at a family house or property. There is a national parade on Independence Day and during Carnival there are many activities. Learn more about Dominica’s culture and traditions here or see our annual events page.

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Medical Care

There are five hospitals in Dominica as well as various village and community clinics. The main hospital is Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) located in Roseau. In the event of an emergency, patients will be treated at PMH but it is also possible to be flown out to neighboring islands.

  • Princess Margaret Hospital: (767) 448-2231 or (767) 448-5720
  • Portsmouth Hospital: (767) 445-5237
  • Grand Bay Hospital: (767) 446-3706
  • Marigot Hospital: (767) 445-7091
  • Justin Fadipe Centre (Private Hospital, Mero): (767) 449-8466 or (767) 235-8466

There are also a number of Pharmacies and various medical specialists.

Important Numbers


Police, Fire and Ambulance ..................... 999

Crisis Hotline ........................................... 1 800 HELP (4357)

Police Headquarters ................................ 767 448 2222 or 767 266 5100

Fire and Ambulance Service ................... 767 448 2889

Princess Margaret Hospital .................... 767 448 2231 or

General Office................................... 767 266 2101

Accident & Emergency ..................... 767 266 2105




Douglas-Charles .............................. 767 455 7107

Canefield .......................................... 767 449 1421

Roseau Ferry Terminal ........................... 767 266 3799

Customs Offices

Anse de Mai ....................................... 767 445 5300

Canefield Airport .............................. 767 449 1199

Douglas-Charles Airport .................. 767 445 7109

Portsmouth ....................................... 767 445 3632


Government Headquarters ..................... 767 448 2401

Waitukubuli National Trail ..................... 767 266 3593 or 767 440 6125

Cultural Division ..................................... 767 266 3421

Forestry Division ..................................... 767 266 5856

Discover Dominica Authority .................. 767 266 3536 or 767 448 2045

Meteorological Office

Canefield............................................ 767 449 1990

Douglas-Charles (Melville Hall) ....... 767 445 7849

Numbers you should have on hand

Credit card and bank Hotlines

Accommodation Information

Embassy or Consulate - see below

Tour and Taxi


Mail and Post Codes

One of the biggest issues with sending mail to Dominica is that it often gets mistaken for the Dominican Republic.

When addressing documents:

Person’s Name
P.O. Box xxxx or  Street Address
Commonwealth of Dominica
Eastern Caribbean
00109-8000 (zip code) OR 00152 (postal code)

The Postal code is used by countries other than the USA. The one for Dominica is: 00152

The Zip code is a postal code used by the USA. The one for Dominica is: 00109-8000

Ways to Mail

General Post office

The Dominican Post office is located along the Roseau Bayfront, opposite the Roseau Ferry Terminal.

Hours: 8 am – 5 pm Monday, 8 am – 4 pm Tuesday – Friday.

Parcel Pick up

Make sure to bring

  1. a valid ID
  2. the Slip indicating package has arrived
  3. if picking up for someone else, whether it is for a family member, spouse or employer, make sure to have a signed letter to present to the officer. This letter must state you are authorized to pick up an parcel on behalf of the person whose name is on the package. If this will happen more than once, the officer will keep it on file.

Note that this office closes promptly during the lunch hour (1 – 2 pm) and closes for the day at 3 pm.

Stamp and Mailing

Note that will the effects of TS Erika (August 2015) – some of the mailing times have been delayed. 

Post coming to and from USA arrives and is sent out weekly on a Tuesday via Amerijet. Be sure to have your post in by 11:00 am on a Monday so that it can get out in time.

Post coming from Europe and the rest of the world is sent out daily usually to Barbados via Liat. Be sure to get to the Post Office before 11:00 am so that it can get out the next day.

Other Means of sending and receiving packages. 

See our listings on Courier & Freight Services and Shipping Agencies



Liat Quickpak & Cargo (UPS)




Tropical Shipping



Tonge Financial Services


Our cuisine is like our history and culture, an exciting blend which draws heavily from our Creole past. Tropical fruits and vegetables are in abundance, and not surprising for an island, our range of seafood is second to none!

Particular delicacies you should try include land crabs, our delicious locally grown coffee, and a wide range of local fruit juices. Be sure to take home with you our hot pepper sauce! Find out more about our cuisine and dining in Dominica


English is the official language, but a French-based Creole (also known as Patois) is widely spoken, especially in outlying villages. Find out more about our language.


There is a 15% Value Added Tax (10% on accommodation).

Site Fees

A number of attractions in Dominica require visitors to pay a small fee. Click here for full details.


Tipping is generally on a discretionary basis; many hotels and restaurants will add a 10% service charge.



Our electricity system is 220 – 240 volts, 50 cycles. Power outlets are 3-prong English style. Most hotels have 110v, but you are advised to bring a small travel transformer if required.

30% of our electricity is generated from Hydroelectricity (using water). Although a naturally occurring lake, the Freshwater lake was dammed in order to make this possible. There is also a project underway to tap into geothermal energy given our volcanic nature. You will notice one of the sites along the drive to Titou Gorge and the Boiling Lake.


Dominica has a fully digital telephone system, and indeed was the first country in the world to operate one in 1987. Presently, the companies providing telecommunication services include:

Land-lines and cellular services: Lime (Cable & Wireless) and Digicel

Television: Marpin 2k4, Digicel Play and Wikibuli

Wifi and Internet: Lime (Cable & Wireless), Digicel Play and Wikibuli


Water is safe to drink. Some hotels use municipal water or collect spring water onsite all of which is treated.

WiFi and Internet

Wifi and internet is readily available throughout the island and available in most accommodation and restaurants.


Dominica Meteorological Service – Local weather forecasting

French Antilles Radar – French Radar, accurate for day to day use. Radar shows cloud cover or lack there of for Guadeloupe, Dominica and Martinique.

Atlantic Hurricane & Tropical Storm Center – Satellite shows any Atlantic weather systems which may or may not affect the Caribbean

Time and Date – Sunrise, Sunset and Moon times for Roseau, Dominica


… Find out more about Dominica’s weather and climate

Did you know?

Thanks to its location and very tall mountains, Dominica gets on average about 300 inches of rain annually at the highest elevations, making it one of the wettest places in this part of the world.

Sunset bbq at Mero Beach


Want some help deciding what to do? Are you feeling adventurous? or perhaps you just want to take it easy… see all Dominica has to offer.

Find out more about things to do based on your mood and feelings!

Find out more about Dominica’s environment!


Just 15 degrees north of the equator, Dominica enjoys a tropical climate, and a sunset and sunrise that varies by little more than a hour in the year. Around December, sunset is about 5:30pm; in the summer it’s about 6:30pm. Plan your hikes to arrive back before the swift dusk!

Getting Married

Dominica is making it easier to get married here. Visitors can get married after just two days on the island.

With the proper documentation, you can have a dream wedding in Dominica, the NAure Island.

For more information visit our Getting Married in Dominica page.

Tying the knot? Learn more about how and where to do it!

See our collection of books about Dominica or by authors from Dominica

Books and Literature

There are a number of good guide books to the island. “Dominica, Isle of Adventure” (Macmillan Caribbean 1998) by Dr. Lennox Honychurch is an excellent introduction. His “The Dominica Story” (Macmillan Caribbean 1995) is the definitive history of the island.

One of Dominica’s most celebrated authors, Jean Rhys, was born in Roseau in 1890. Although she moved to England at age 16 and only made one brief return visit to Dominica, much of her work draws upon her childhood experiences in Dominica and the West Indies, especially her most famous work, “Wide Sargasso Sea”

See our collection of Dominica Books

Arts & Crafts

Dominica is famous for the fine straw crafts made locally from a tall reed called the l’arouma. Many shops in Roseau sell baskets and other gifts made from this material, however, the best place to see the crafts is where many are made, the Kalinago Territory.

Find out more about the Kalinago Territory.