Hurricane Jose - 1999
October 1999
This page provided the latest information from Dominica regarding the situation as Hurricane Jose passes over our island.

Tuesday 19th October, 7:00 am
Well, I didn’t expect to be writing a report about an approaching storm so late in the season! As of 7am on the 19th, the weather in Dominica is overcast with very low clouds and steady showers. There still seems uncertainty as to where it will pass, but as it gets closer we’ll provide you with reports and images. We have a backup generator and a high-speed Internet line here at Delphis so we should be able to ‘weather the storm’ well!

Tuesday 19th October, 5:00 pm
5pm. Although the eye is only 115 east of Dominica, the conditions are fairly good. Overcast but with hardly a breath of wind.
Traffic leaving Roseau is heavy and many people do seem to be buying supplies just for Jose.

Tuesday 19th October, 1:00 pm
Although a Hurricane Watch was announced early this morning, late morning in the capital city Roseau wasn’t particularly busy. We’ve had a couple of squally showers, but at the moment the rain has stopped and there’s a fair amount of blue skies.

Wednesday 20th October, 9:00 am
After a very quiet night with little rain and no wind, this morning has now started to bring persistant rain. A number of hurricane shelters were opened last night, but this morning the hurricane watch was ended and we’ve been fortunate once more this season.
Regional Impacts
Curious how Hurricane Jose affected other parts of the region and continental US?
Hurricanes & Storms