Dominica's Centenarians

Ma Pampo, photo by Sister Katherine 2001
Dominica, the Nature Island of the Caribbean, is gaining recognition as a modern day “Fountain of Youth.” The island was home to Elizabeth “Ma Pampo” Israel who died in October 2003 at the age of 128. At the time, she was considered by many to be the world’s oldest living person.
Ma Pampo’s neighbour Rose Peter lived to be 118 years of age. (Update Sept. 28, 2001 The Chronicle: Centenarian Dies at 118)
There is clearly something special about Dominica – an island with a population of 70,000 (2010 Census) which is home to twenty-two recorded centenarians.
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Dominica’s Wildlife
Dominica’s Flora & Fauna
Birds of Dominica
Morne Trois Pitons World Heritage Site
Natural Living in Dominica
Dominica’s Centenarians
Tropical Fruit
The Aloe Vera Plant
Dominica Maps
Life Expentancy for Women
Life Expentancy for Men
Number of Centenarians
Dominica has the second highest longevity in the western hemisphere, second only to Canada and above the United States, according to Janice Jackson, Executive Director of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. “If this is juxtaposed with the major difference in health care expenditures – less than $200 per resident in Dominica, compared with over $3500 in the US, this figure becomes even more significant.” Jackson said.
A Tribute to Dominica’s Centenarian Women
An Exhibition at the Old Mill Cultural Centre, Canefield
July 30th to August 3rd, 2001
“Living Ancestors”
Dominica is home to the world’s oldest person, Ma Pampo, who is still going strong at 126! She is not alone as there are more than 20 other centenarians on the island. Come and see their lively faces, read the secrets of what sustained their long, healthy lives.
The intention of this exhibition is to honor these “Living Ancestors” of Dominica and to make their rich cultural and historical legacy more visible. It is also hoped that the exhibition will spark and stimulate local, regional and international interest in these extraordinary centenarians and their caregivers It will be a lasting tribute in portraits, to these women’s immense courage, humor and faith.
South African artist, Gabrielle “J” Le Roux, has created a visual record of these women in the form of color portraits drawn from life.
It is fitting that this inaugural showing of an international tour is here in Dominica, where the project was born and bred. During the next year the show will travel to South Africa and then on to Uganda for the 8th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. The international exposure will promote Dominica as a global center for natural wealth and longevity. This is in line with the emerging image of the island as a “Nature Isle.” Show runs to Aug 3rd, 2001. © Gabrielle Le Roux, 2001
Portraits by Gabrielle Le Roux
Photographs by Wendy Walsh
© 2001 All Rights Reserved.
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